Saturday, March 10, 2007

A Bit More on Georgia Griffith - Found on the Web

Quicktime Media
Most Memorable Person ..
from Funny the Vlog on May 19, 2006
Most Memorable Person Watch the video The most memorable person I ever met was a woman named Georgia Griffith. She was born blind, supported herself by teaching music. She played 12 different instruments. She was the only Braille proofreader of music for the Library of Congress. She lost her hearing (and sense of balance) at age 38, after which someone gave her a computer and she learned how to use it and ultimately, when I "met" her, ran 7 of the most popular discussion forums on CompuServe (in the late 1980s). She could read 12 languages fluently and a few others "not so fluently." I went with her to Washington, D.C. when she and others, were honored by the Smithsonian Institute for contributions to information technology. (The photo above is Georgia meeting Senator Mike DeWine, who is examining her Smithsonian medallion.) Check here for a more complete bio.
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